• 9 June World Accreditation Day 2021

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9 June World Accreditation Day 2021

Accreditation: supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!!

As ALBERK QA TECHNIC, we celebrate the 9 June World Accreditation Day, which was determined with the participation of member countries within the international umbrella organizations ILAC and IAF, and held for the thirteenth time this year.

Under this year's theme, 'Accreditation: Supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals!', we, as accreditation bodies all over the world, aim to introduce the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations on the basis of 'People', 'Planet' and 'Prosperity' and show how we support them. we focus.

The Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the Global Goals, are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity by 2030.

Accreditation covers a large number of services in almost every field such as environment, health, food, transportation, energy, climate change, based on objective and internationally accepted criteria. Accredited conformity assessment services support high standards of living and are a facilitating tool in achieving sustainable development. Since the methods are determined on the basis of science and with a common mind, they are accepted all over the world and enable the technical barriers to be overcome quickly. In this context, accreditation is a driving force in achieving the Global Goals.

You can access detailed information and promotional materials about World Accreditation Day at

https://www.iaf.nu/articles/ World_Accreditation_Day_2021/ 685


https://www.turkak.org.tr/ akredasyon/dunya-akredasyon- gunu.html
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