• Amendment to the Circular on the Controlled Normalization Process in Accommodation Facilities

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Amendment to the Circular on the Controlled Normalization Process in Accommodation Facilities

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the 'Safe Tourism Certificate', which it had previously required for hotels with 50 rooms or more in the relevant circular; 30 rooms or more changed to hotels. Thus, the hotels between 30-50 rooms, which can continue their activities without obtaining a certificate, are obliged to obtain the said certificate.

https://tga.gov.tr/wp-content/ uploads/2020/10/8.10.2020- Tarihli- Genelge.pdf

The following statements were included in the circular of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on the subject:

“As it is known, within the scope of the measures to prevent the spread of the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, which was included in the scope of the "Pandemic" by the World Health Organization, with the transition to the normalization process, in order to carry out tourism activities safely, in accommodation facilities that are still active or will become operational. measures to be taken, with the Circular of our Ministry dated 12/5/2020 and numbered 2020/6, and making some changes and additions to this Circular, dated 2/6/2020 and numbered 2020/9, dated 1/7/2020 and numbered 2020/14, It has been determined by the Circulars dated 2/8/2020 and sequential numbered 2020/15, and dated 12/8/2020 and numbered 2020/16.

The section titled 'SAFE TOURISM CERTIFICATE' of the Circular dated 1/7/2020 and numbered 2020/14 has changed as follows in order to guide the implementation for some situations encountered depending on the process;

"Within the scope of COVID-19, in order to enable a healthy and safe tourism under extraordinary pandemic conditions and to ensure the high level of reliability of the measures taken; under the coordination of the Turkish Tourism Promotion and Development Agency and by the international certification bodies specified on the website www.tga.gov.tr It is mandatory for all accommodation facilities with a capacity of 30 rooms or more to obtain the 'Safe Tourism Certificate', which certifies that the accommodation facilities and hygiene conditions are fulfilled and aims to ensure its continuity with monthly inspections.

Currently, accommodation facilities with a capacity of 50 rooms or more are not allowed to operate in any way without a 'Safe Tourism Certificate'. Within seven days after the new accommodation facilities with a capacity of 50 rooms or more come into operation, the accommodation facilities with a capacity between 30 rooms and 49 rooms and which are active until 1/1/2021, and the accommodation facilities with 30 rooms or more that will start operating after this date. Within seven days following the completion of the 'Safe Tourism Certificate' conditions, which are inspected and issued by the certificate companies specified in the web address of the Turkish Tourism Promotion and Development Agency www.tga.gov.tr, they must obtain the Safe Tourism Certificate.

The accommodation facilities, which are required to obtain a 'Safe Tourism Certificate', are operating without a certificate or the residence address is outside the borders of Turkey, the guests who are diagnosed with COVID-19 and do not need treatment in the hospital by the Health Institution, or who are from the same family as this guest or stay in the same room but have no diagnosis of illness. If it is determined that the accommodation of the guests under the conditions specified in this Circular is not provided, the operating activities will be terminated, without prejudice to all kinds of penal actions including the cancellation of the tourism certificate

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