• Защита персональных данных

Our valued customers,

AS Alberk QA Technic, we SHOW utmost sensitivity TO the SECURITY of your personal data. WITH this awareness, we attach great importance TO the processing AND preservation of ALL kinds of personal DATA belonging TO ALL individuals related TO our company in accordance WITH the Law No. 6698 ON Protection of Personal DATA (""KVK Law""). WITHIN the scope of this responsibility, we want TO inform you about your rights in ORDER TO protect your fundamental rights AND freedoms.

You can reach our texts ON the Personal DATA Protection Law (KVKK) FROM the links below.

If you want TO get more information about your personal DATA, you can send an e-mail TO kvkk@qatechnic.com.

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Alberk QA Technic Международный технический контроль и сертификация INC
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